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Bosch, Cisco and Foxconn join blockchain IoT consortium

internet of things blockchain initiative

In an effort to secure the Internet of Things and standardise how we identify, manage and communicate with internet-enabled devices through blockchain technology, a new industrial blockchain initiative has been launched…

We are excited to see leaders in the Blockchain and IoT space coming together from America, China, France, and Germany to develop a standard Blockchain IoT protocol. This is a positive step towards industry confidence, momentum, and interoperability.

Read the full article on IBTimes

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Internet Of Things Outlook For 2017

iot outlook for 2017

What will be the key things to watch for in the world of IoT in 2017? Forbes has the answer…

For the internet of things, 2017 will be a year focused on deployment of actual systems. This year we stop laying groundwork and start seeing real systems that increase productivity, customer satisfaction and develop new revenue streams—with continued security, regulatory and standards concerns.

Read the full article on Forbes

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Project Brillo is rebranded as Android Things

Project Brillo rebranded Android Things

Google has announced changes to its Internet of Things platform. They have recently launched a developer preview of Android Things, which is an updated and rebranded version of their Brillo IoT operating system which was unveiled in 2015.

Google has released a preview of the software, a bare-bones version of Android for connected light bulbs and door locks. It also announced plans for creating a simpler protocol for linking those devices to the cloud.

Read the full article on Electronic Design

See also: “10 Things to know about Android Things” on

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Bluetooth 5: It’s All About the Internet of Things

bluetooth-5 specification

Although the Bluetooth 5 spec was revealed back in June 2016, the Bluetooth Special Interest Group officially ratified the specification for the wireless protocol this week.

Bluetooth 5 promises twice the speed and four times the range, and will start showing up in Internet of Things devices soon.

Read the full article on The Mac Observer

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Securing the Internet of Things: Best Practices From the DHS

Securing the Internet of Things - Best Practices From the DHS

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has recently issued a set of (nonbinding) principles for securing the Internet of Things. But is it too little, too late?…

Put simply, the DHS wants companies to make IoT security a native part of the manufacturing process rather than an aftermarket add-on. They should approach securing the Internet of Things like they would secure their own IT resources.

Read the full article on SecurityIntelligence

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Google, tech giants announce plan to fix ‘internet of things’ security

In an effort to improve IoT security, the Broadband Technical Advisory Group (BITAG), which includes Google, Cisco, AT&T, T-Mobile, Comcast, Mozilla, and others, have published a report on the security and privacy of the IoT…

To try and solve this, BITAG has laid out a number of recommendations that it wants IoT manufacturers to abide by. Some of these are pretty basic (pointing to the scale of the problem), including shipping devices with “reasonably” current software without known vulnerabilities, and that manufacturers should follow best practices for encryption.

Read the full article on Business Insider

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A Standardised Communication Architecture for the Internet of Things?

IoT Standards

Interoperability and lack of standards are huge problems facing the IoT right now. Arup Barat analyses the issues and explores some potential solutions…

For the IoT to continue to grow, there is no doubt that we need devices and systems to work together seamlessly. But do we need standards to shepherd us there? Or is there another free-market solution?

Read the full article on IOT Journal